
A morning of dressing up

I’d wanted to get some new photos of me for my website for a while now, but to be honest I’d been putting it off. I hate having my photo taken, I’d much rather be behind the camera than in front of it.

It took me a while to find someone who I thought would capture the kind of images I had in mind but eventually I found the brilliant Sean Maylon. I instantly loved his photography style and use of light.
The morning of shooting I cleared out my lounge (completely) and set the scene using my clothes, shoes, bags, jewellery....everything. It took me the entire afternoon to put it all back! As soon as Sean started shooting, my nerves melted away and I started to enjoy myself, even my Springer Spaniel Hendrix got involved.
Sean got some great shots; I just need to get them on my site!



  1. I second I heart my art - lovely photos! x

  2. The photos are great! You look beautiful, they are lovely x

  3. Some good info here. I like your style!

  4. NIkki - Just love this site - so glad I found you - am moving to Bath with my young family in the next few months and need some inspiration for my blog! Your blog looks beautiful and I love your taste - thank you - Han

  5. wow, love the shot of your fab shoes and all the shopping bags!!!looks great!!!!youve dyed your hair too...looks fab! Teresa


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