About Niki

I’m Niki, I’m a Personal Stylist and part-time textile designer. I’m from Bristol in the UK, spent the last two years living in India (you can find out more about that here)and have now relocated to Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, in the big US of A.  I love to travel and experience different cultures, it's the reason we can't say no to job opportunities that send us abroad!   I’m married to Al and we have a bonkers Springer Spaniel – Hendrix who used to feature on the blog a lot, but who is now living the dream by the sea with Al’s parents until we move back to Bristol (and we miss him like CRAZY!).

A Personal Stylist, isn’t something I always wanted to be, but about 10 years ago I realized that I had a real passion for styling, and decided I wanted to see where it could take me. I worked as a personal shopper for John Lewis and then left that to set up my own business. I don’t style celebrities looking to wow on the red carpet; my clients are everyday people, who don’t have a huge budget and who struggle to find the free time to spend on themselves.  It’s a ton of fun and really does make a positive difference to people’s lives!

I’m not your typical Image Consultant who’ll drape you in swathes of ugly colour swatches and assign you a season or style type.  I actually hate the thought of pigeon holing my clients; instead we work together to discover and develop a style that they not only love, but that suits them and their lifestyle.

I’m a little obsessed with mixing and matching and love playing around with different outfit combinations; I relish the challenge of making the most of the items I have, and I love sharing this with my clients.  When I can’t do it in person, I’m sharing it here on Style Studs and Lace.   My blog not only gives me a creative outlet and a way of experimenting with ideas, but it’s also enabled me to remain sane while moving countries, to keep my business alive when I’m miles away and - thanks to you, my readers - to continue to be inspired to develop my own style.
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