Each season make a list of the items you need to purchase and set yourself a sensible budget. It’s worth putting a large proportion of your budget towards the staple pieces on the list, the items you’re going to wear most of the time. Purchasing good quality, higher end products that will last for years will enable you to gradually build up a collection of key items each season and to pull together a hard working wardrobe that can be easily updated with a few less expensive, on-trend items.
Harvey Nichols, Bristol |
The moment I step inside Harvey Nichols I feel the stress and hassle of the high-street disappear and am transported into a magical world of beautiful things. You’ll find small collections from most of the designers you’d expect, a great choice of premium denim (a definite wardrobe staple) and an absolutely fabulous selection of beautiful shoes and handbags. If you’re into make-up then you won’t be disappointed either. And it’s not just us women who will enjoy the experience; they have a whole floor dedicated to you guys to.
True Religion flared jeans available at Harvey Nichols |
Bristol really does have it all now! Adding top end designers to the already eclectic selection of vintage, high-street and independent boutiques has put Bristol firmly on the map as a shopping destination and makes it the perfect place to invest in the perfect capsule wardrobe.
Article recently writen for Guide2Bristol
Images thanks to Lisa Piddington
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