

Pittsburgh is a city of Bridges.  There are over 400 bridges here which certainly makes driving in the steel city a little more confusing than driving your typical US grid system. When we first started driving over here we relied entirely on our GPS to get us from A to B, but 9 times out of 10 it would take us over one river, only to take us straight back across the same river, on another bridge, winding up back on the same road we started on!  It’s taken me a while to get used to driving on the right, turning on a red (still feels wrong) and driving an automatic car (I’m not a fan), so when you throw in a ton of bridges it’s frustrating to say the least.  But I think I’m starting to get the hang of it.

Despite the bridges messing with my navigation, I’m getting quite attached to them…I even have a few favourites. The Kissing Fish, Hot Metal, Fort Pit and 16th Street Bridge.

Hot Metal Bridge
16th Street Bridge

The Kissing Fish - Smithfield Street Bridge

The Kissing Fish - Smithfield Street Bridge
 I love the first views of Pittsburgh that hit you as you come out of Fort Pitt Tunnel.

Bridge after bridge over the Allegheny River
Hot Metal Bridge is close to our apartment and I’ve been wanting to do an outfit post on it since I first saw it back in July. At the weekend we had an increasingly rare nice day, so we hit up Southside, grabbed a peppermint candy cane coffee (so much nicer than it sounds!) from the local coffee house and tried out a few shots.


Trousers - Zara / Jumper - Primark / Parka - French Connection / Bag - Zatchels / Boots - Urban Outfitters / Necklace - LOCKHART WRKS / Ring - The Rogue And The Wolf
Despite it being a nice day, it was pretty damn cold so I wore these faux leather trousers which I featured in my When it's too cold to wear jeans post.  They are SO comfortable and warm, I’m chuffed to bits that I’m managing to stay warm this winter after I acclimatised so well to India’s 30 degree C (90F) heat.  I also tried to replicate the braid Jenny put in my hair at the Phoenix flea market; it's not quite right, but not bad for me!

How do you stay warm when it’s bitterly cold outside?  Do you have any staple pieces that you can always rely on?


  1. Those bridges are so cool! I'd want to photograph them, too. I'm going to have to look into faux leather pants, I don't own any right now. The only cold-weather tip I have is fleece-lined tights under pants.

  2. Your braid is the cutest!! I love the last snap, it's a great #ootd backdrop. ;)

    Tara x

  3. I love these pictures! I also love your coat -- somehow the setting and the vibe all feel very Midwest to me, in the nicest and chicest way. But maybe I'm biased. :)



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