

Wide leg trousers are a pear shaped gal’s best friend, so naturally I’m a big fan.  A year ago you’d be hard pushed to find any in stores, but thankfully they had quite a moment in the spotlight over the summer months and turned out to be one of the biggest trends to hit the high-street.

Its a constant frustration to me that if a certain style of clothing isn’t deemed fashionable it can be pretty difficult to source, so I was chuffed to bits when this trend emerged as my summer closet had a gaping hole in it where a versatile pair of wide-leg trousers should be.

It took me a while to find a pair I liked, but I eventually came across this pair in Topshop while I was in the UK a few months ago. I’m going to be honest with you here and say that while they’re super versatile, I do struggle a little to dress them up for the evening mainly because they’re not quite long enough to pair with heels. I tend to wear these on those evenings when we’re heading out for a casual drink, you know, nothing too fancy.

 I always tuck my tops in to a pair of wide leg trousers otherwise my legs look shorter and my hips look wider – not a look I’m going for. I wore this blouse when I was bridesmaid at my sister’s wedding and it’s proving to be a pretty useful addition to my wardrobe. I like the simplicity of this combination.

I often knot t-shirts as they swamp me if they’re not a nice tight fit.

Trousers - Topshop / Top - Zara / Kimono - Topshop / Ring - Vintage, India

I know kimonos have been done to death, but I don’t care, I love them, and am constantly surprised by how many outfits I can throw them over.


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