

When I’m not styling my clients in person, I spend most of my time working from home. There are pros (cups of tea whenever I like!) and cons (feeling the need to clean the apartment all the time) to working from home, but I’ve been doing it for so many years now that most of my days are pretty productive. 

It’s taken me a while to find a routine that works for me, but after 6 years of working from home, I’m pretty much there.  I get up at the same time every morning, I go to the gym 3-4 times a week, I have lunch around the same time every day and I try to get out of the house for a walk every afternoon (although recently I’ve struggled with this thanks to the crazy cold temperatures - come on Spring! I've had enough already!!).  I also change out of my pyjamas!  This last one is an important.  I’m not going to lie, it’s so easy to stay in  pyjamas but on the (very) few occasions that I’ve done it, it’s taken me ages to get into the right frame of mind for working.  I know no one can see me and I’m in my own private space, but I need to be dressed for work to work.  What you wear has such an impact on how you feel, so if you’re wearing clothes you normally relax in then it’s pretty safe to assume that you’re going to feel pretty unmotivated to do much!

This weekend, I wanted to share a few of my favourite work from home items with you, and show you that it’s possible to pull together outfits that are comfortable enough to get you out of your pyjamas but put together enough to get you in the mood to work.

In India, when it was beautifully hot each day, I could get away with wearing these lovely loose layers but it’s just too darn cold at the moment so I’m wrapping up in warm, cosy and comfortable layers instead. And yes, stretch trousers are my day to day uniform...I don’t know about you, but I just can't bear to sit in front of my computer all day, squeezed into jeans!

 And here are some of the outfits I like to make with them!

Working from home

How do you motivate yourself to work when you’re working from home?  Do you have a routine? 


  1. Do you put on shoes when you are just at home? I never do I will try to make my socks or slippers co-ordinate but in Sweden we do not wear shoes in the house but I often see pictures online of people in other countries doing it and I always just figured it was staged.

  2. Hey Bailie, I do! I find my feet get too cold in slippers so I have to wear thick socks (or thermal tights) and shoes. In the summer I sometimes wear slippers, but
    I find I get too warm! We never wore shoes in the house in India, but carpets are pretty nonexistent in Indian houses so the floors are super hard on the feet. I ended up buying 'indoor shoes' to give my feet some cushioning. Slippers would
    have been comfortable but they were way too warm for the Indian climate. I've also seen pictures online of other people wearing heels and pretty uncomfy looking shoes but I can't do that (and I'm guessing you're right it's probably staged). Those are the three shoes I wear the most, and my UGGS are probably my most worn item when it’s below freezing outside.

  3. Ooh, just the right blog post for me this week Niki! I wear about 63 million layers when working from home in this weather (it's pretty chilly in the UK, although nowhere near as cold as Pittsburgh!) and have sometimes slipped and ended up in ugly fleeces and scarves... (Not PJs very often at all, I just don't get anything done.) But recently I bought some awesome new boots and they have inspired me to up my style game so that the rest of my outfit matches my boots! x

  4. Briliant! Oh, it’s so tempting to wear fleeces! The boots sound awesome, let me know how you get on :) x

  5. I try to avoid pyjamas (she says, while currently wearing pyjamas...) most of the time but I must confess that comfort is my priority when I'm going to be stuck at my desk all day, so I normally wear a loose fitting tee and leggings, or, dare I say it, sweatpants. Those are STRICTLY for inside the house though! x

  6. Comfort is definitely an important factor for me too, I can’t wait for it to warm up here so I can wear looser fitting clothes without being
    too chilly!


I love hearing from you so please share your thoughts! I always try to reply, so make sure you pop back, or subscribe! Niki x

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