
so THIS happened!!

Dress - All Saints / Shoes - KG / Bangles and earrings - India / Ring - Frost Finery (right here in the Burgh!) / belt - Angel Jackson / Belt - Topshop

Yesterday at 10am, it was proclaimed that 28th July is officially, Stylish Pittsburgh Day!
The day completely and utterly surpassed all my expectations, I cannot express how pleased and honored I am that so many people joined in with us in getting the word out there, and that so many shared their outfits on the day!

I won’t go on about why I started the #stylishpittsburgh project, I’m sure you’re all well aware of that by now…if not a little fed up of me banging on about it! But, if you dont' know what I'm talking about, then (where have you been the last few weeks) you can find out the story behind the project here.

I want to use this post to say that I'm truly touched by the support the #stylishpittsburgh campaign has had, and by the amount of people who have embraced it and got involved.  I want to thank the gorgeous ladies who turned out to take part in the proclamation ceremony: Meryl, Christine, Kimberly, JoAnne, Liz and Tori, I want to say an extra thank you Tori for all her work setting up the Stylish Pittsburgh Day proclamation, and I want to thank all of you, the amazing people who joined in with #stylishpittsburgh and shared your style or favorite local boutiques, designers and fashion businesses.  You’ve blown my mind.

Here are some of my favorite photos from yesterday, but there are SO MANY more, just take a look!

I’ve barely been in Pittsburgh a year and I already feel lucky to call this my new home. The community spirit in Pittsburgh is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Pittsburghers are a proud lot and so they damn well should be!

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