

Moving to a different country or a new city means making new friends, and if you're an introvert like I am, that's a pretty daunting prospect.  Some of the friends I've left behind are people I've known for over 15 years!  They've known me a loooooooooong time, they get me and are far more likely to forgive me for the stupid things I say and do. Starting friendships from scratch? Well that's a little intimidating.

I realized pretty quickly, however, that if I didn't put the effort in to meeting people, then transitioning to our new home would be even harder than it already was.  If I'd managed it in India, I could do it here.  So as I did in India, I forced myself to get out there and meet people.  I joined meet ups and attended local events, I even searched twitter and Instagram for people to reach out to, but do you want to know what has proved to be the best way to meet people here in Pittsburgh?  Blogging!

Through blogging I met these three talented ladies: Ashely, Kimberly and Tori and last week we pulled off Pittsburgh's first ever fashion blogger meet up. We loosely talked about setting up some sort of fashion blogger meet up when we met at the #StylishPittsburgh Day proclamation ceremony and a few weeks later Kim emailed us saying "let's do this!".  Countless emails were exchanged, a few glasses of wine were enjoyed and before long, plans for the event grew from a small get together over cocktails, into a full scale fashion blogger event held at Number 14 boutique!

Number 14's signature cocktail, the Fourtini

Props for the Instagram competition.

Ashley made these beautiful name-tags!

She also made these DELICIOUS cupcakes!!

There are oodles of fashion and style bloggers in Pittsburgh and so many of them turned up to the event.  There was a fantastic group of people in that room and there was so much energy and so much support for one another! It was brilliant!!

I forgot to take photos after people started arriving (oops!) but thanks to our Instagram contest, there are some great pictures on Instagram... 

A photo posted by Kimberly Allera (@yeswearthat) on

A photo posted by Mandy Holesh (@mandyholesh) on

Here's to blogging and to making new friends!

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