
Blooming Marvellous!

Every August, Lalbagh Gardens host a flower show to celebrate Independence Day.  So a couple of weeks ago, I grabbed my macro lens, fought the crowds (I did, I had to barge through and be all impolite) and got a little snap happy. 

I love flowers.  I love to draw them, and we have a balcony full of them, but at the moment I’m a little obsessed with photographing them close up.  It creates beautiful colour combinations and shapes. It took me yonks to decide which ones to upload, but I think these are my favourites:

It was such a hot day so I wore this light dress with practical shoes...just as well as my feet were repeatedly stamped on in the glass house - ouch!

I've been working on my first necklace; a combination of my old collection of beads, and some new finds from India, so watch this space!



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