
What To Wear On Holiday

I’ve been so caught up in Bangalore over the last couple of weeks, that I’ve been neglecting the style advice section of my blog, so I intend to make up for it with this post packed (and I mean PACKED!) full with style inspiration and tips, to help you pull together your perfect holiday wardrobe.

Everyone loves going on holiday, as soon as you’re back from one, you’re planning the next – right?  But there is one thing that takes the edge off the excitement and that’s working out what to take with you, where do you start when you’re faced with a wardrobe full of possible options? Well, you do what most people do…and that’s take the lot.

There really is no need to take the entire contents of your wardrobe with you, not only will it make it harder to decide what to wear when you get to your destination, but you’ll have no space to bring back any souvenirs and you may even end up paying for the extra weight.  With a little planning and thought (it really doesn’t have to take hours) you’ll be packed in no time, it’s really quite simple.  The secret to packing the perfect holiday wardrobe is choosing a few base outfits and key items, that can be mixed and matched to the max, and of course, taking a good selection of accessories to change the look of each outfit.

Items to take:
• No more than 4 items for the bottom half
• A couple of dresses
• About six tops that go with all of them
• A couple of cover-ups for the evening
• A selection of accessories
• Three to four pairs of shoes

See…simple, right? And what's even better, is that for a two week holiday you don't need more clothes, you just need to remember to take travel wash.

Here’s what my ideal holiday wardrobe would look like:

My Perfect Holiday Wardrobe

And just to prove that it mixes and matches to make more than enought outfits, here are 18 outfits to get you started...

Dipped hem dress three ways

dipped hem skirt three ways

wide leg trousers worn three ways

shorts three ways

Maxi skirt three ways

Maxi dress three ways

Phew! Hope you made it to the end of this post...think it might be my longest yet!

Happy holiday x


  1. I have bookmarked this post for when I do my holiday packing!

  2. Love this post Nikki - clearly you and I have similar style and taste! Take a look at my 'Lust List' and you might see something you like :)



    1. You have good taste then! :D had a peek...love it all xx

  3. Love it - my only problem is that hardly any of my clothes go together, so I always end up taking too much!

    1. I don't believe that they don't go together, you've got some great outfits!

  4. uaaaaau great picks I have to say!they stand out for comfort and that's the most important thing on summer for me :) And always the long skirts, they are really one of the statement pieces for a while now! Loved it!*


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