
Weekend Style Guide // Dressing Up For Download

Yep, I know; this post isn’t going to stand out from the crowd.  The festival season is under way and my Feedly home page is bursting at the seams with festival related posts; but I’m sorry, that’s not going to stop me throwing my festival post into the mix. 

Every year, a group of us pack up and head to Donington for four incredible days at Download festival.  Listening to my favourite music, with my best friends, not worrying about anything except which stage we need to get to next = bliss!  Yes the loos are pretty horrid, the weather’s un-predictable and there is little chance of a hot shower but that’s just part of the fun…no really!  It’s amazing the hairstyles you can achieve with a bottle of dry shampoo and a backcombing comb!!

I love planning what to wear (yes, as un-rock and roll as that might sound, one of my favourite things about festivals is the dressing up) it’s a chance to ramp up my style a little and wear things that I wouldn't wear at work - hello pink hair tips, studded belts and fringing!

But before I get too excited, this year Al and I are unable to go – we love Download but India’s a  little too far for us to pop over just for the weekend.  So yes, there are tons of festival fashion posts floating around the internet and you probably don’t want to see yet another, but you see this post is really for me.

If I can’t go to Donington then Donington will just have to come to me…the sound track to my weekend will be everything from Iron Maiden to Alice In Chains and Bullet For My Valentine and my wardrobe will look something like this…

I may not be there in person, but I’m so there in spirit!
I want to thank my friend Nay for doing these totally awesome illustrations, I just love them!  We’re going to do some more collaborations over the next month, so watch this space.  But for now, go and check out her beautiful blog.  Go.  Now!


  1. Love that illustration! Shame you'll miss Download this year but at least you'll be dry and warm - I can't wait for Glastonbury but I'm dreading the weather!

  2. Yeah, it's very cool isn't it! Enjoy Glastonbury...my fingers are crossed for beautiful weather!!


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