
Ask Niki // Dressing for humid weather

Okay, so I know this isn't going to be relevant for a lot of you, but the lovely Emma asked me for some help on dressing for hot humid weather, so I had to help! If you follow her on twitter, you'll know she loves to travel and is off on another adventure in a few weeks; to Costa Rica and Nicaragua no less!! She's going to be doing a combination of working, travelling and relaxing so won’t want to take too much with her, and as the weather’s going to be hot and humid I recommend taking as much loose, light clothing as possible – tight fitting clothing will just be unbearable.

Whatever you take needs to be versatile and travel friendly…I mean screw it up and throw it in your bag kinda travel friendly. Most of the items above are polyester so won’t crease and will fold up nice and small. Polyester is so much better than it used to be so don’t be put off wearing it, it’s unlikely to make you sweat like it used to do back in the day.   Other good fabrics are linen and cotton; they won’t pack as nicely but will keep you feeling cool in the heat.

Mosquitoes are hard to avoid, and they’ll bite through your clothes so wear mossie repellent at all times. I know ALL about protecting myself from mosquitoes – Bangalore is in the middle of a huge Dengue fever outbreak at the moment so I’ve had to get into the habit of not leaving the apartment without dousing myself in mossie repellent, and I always carry a huge scarf around with me so I can wrap up if I see too many mossies hovering.

I think that's about it...I hope you have an amazing trip Emma, I'm looking forward to reading all about it on your blog!!

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