

It’s been a loooooooooooooooooooooooong while since I last wrote anything on the blog; I’ve had a pretty tough time recently, (Al and I both have) and I’ve really not felt like blogging at all. Blogging, fashion and posing for outfit posts just seemed trivial and wasn’t important to me.  I’m not going to go into detail as that’s not what this blog is for and despite posting pictures of my outfits on here, I’m actually quite a private person.

I’m back in India now and am feeling good, I’m in a much more positive place than I have been over the last few weeks and am enjoying the distractions that life over here brings.  The day after I landed in Bangalore, two of our closest friends arrived for two whole weeks.  It was amazing.  We went to South Goa and Hampi (one of my favourite places in India – I’ve blogged about it before) and just enjoyed 14 days of uninterrupted time together.

After they left, I realised that I'd started to miss blogging, so started to write again and began pulling together a couple of style posts that I'd planned to do weeks back…it feels good to be back.

I know that to some, being interested in clothes and style probably seems trivial or materialistic but I also know that when I encouraged myself to put some effort into my appearance again and to play around with outfits again, that my state of mind improved tenfold.  It didn’t fix things, but it pushed me in a more positive direction and that’s got to be good right?!


  1. Welcome back Niki :) I think a break is always good and I'm a big believer in clothes having an effect on mood. It's not trivial at all, in fact it makes perfect sense that picking something you feel great in is likely to perk your spirits up. xx


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