
What I wore // Hampi, India

I’ve been back in the UK for a week now and it is amazing!  I started work again this week, and to be honest I was quite nervous; it’s been nearly 5 months since I last styled a client in person!!  I’ve been working online, but it’s not the same as doing one to one consultations.  Anyway, it’s been brilliant; I have some lovely new clients and am loving being able to run my business in person again...although I'd be lying if I said I wasn't missing India and it's beauuuuuuuutiful weather. I know it’s not cold here and the incessant rain has stopped (for now) but I’m used to 35 degree heat, so for me it’s pretty darn cold over here!  I’m trussed up in a ton of layers dreaming of the beautiful Indian sunshine...it's definitely time for another sunshine filled post.

Before Al and I came home, we visited Hampi one last time with some friends before they leave India for the US (gonna miss you tons guys). Hampi is one of those places that will stay with me forever, it's a truly magical place and even after 5 visits, I’d go there again IN. A. FALSH!

A weekend in Hampi consists of a 10 hour overnight train journey followed by two days with our favourite auto guy (I have his number if anyone needs a recommendation) driving from one temple to the next in 35+ degrees heat and little shade.  Super light clothing is a must, and so is something to cover the tops of my arms in some of the temples so this dress came out again and I carried my trusty leopard print scarf with me just in case.

I used to lug a huge bag around with my camera, water, sketchbook and pencil case in, but the last time I was in Hampi I picked up this leather camera bag (which you’ve already seen on the blog quite a lot) and it’s proved to be the perfect shape and size to fit just about everything in.  The shoes are from an Indian shop called Pavers England, they are SOOOOOOOOOOO comfortable and really narrow which is fantastic as I often struggle to find shoes that are narrow enough for my feet.

Dress - TK Maxx / Scarf - Accessorize / Necklace - Little Nell / Belt - Warehouse / Bag - Hampi / Shoes - Pavers England
Does anyone else struggle with narrow feet?  I know of a few shops that work (Duo, Russell & Bromley and Zara) but would love to find more!

1 comment

  1. I have wide feet near my toes but narrow ankles so odd and looks really weird in high heels!


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