
Style Studded // The Coffee Run

I’ve spent the last month putting everything in place so that when the permit that allows me to work in the USA finally comes through, I can hit the ground running.  This means that I’ve spent most of my time in the office at home, in front of my computer, designing new business cards, rewriting the copy for my website so I can update it, and writing press releases. 

There have been days when I’ve not left the apartment and haven't seen or spoken to anyone, it’s not healthy!  I guess it's one of the few down sides to working from home. 

In a bid to avoid cabin fever I’ve adopted a new routine…the daily coffee run, it's pretty much become a weekday ritual.   I’ll have to get one of these as I hate to keep throwing away coffee cups every day!

Coffee is a BIG deal over here; coffee shops line every street and every other person walking around town is clutching a steaming hot cup of the stuff.  It didn’t make much sense to me in the summer, but now that the weathers struggling to get above 5 degrees c, I can totally see the appeal.  Clutching a toasty warm cup of fall or Christmas themed coffee really helps to battle the icy winter air!

Scarf - Gujarat /Jumper - Urban Outfitters  / Jeans - Paige / Boots - DSW / Bag - Angel Jackson
 My local coffee shop is a cute independent café called Big Dog, it’s only a five minute walk away and they serve great coffee as well as delicious homemade cakes.  My current favourite is the Maple Latte, made using fresh maple syrup from local Pennsylvanian trees, yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmm!


  1. Oooohhh, jealous of your maple coffee! Although Starbucks have just brought out their Christmas range, and I must say I haven't shifted my loyalty from my normal frappuccino yet given the delicious 28degree sunshine.

    Beautiful Gujarati bobbles! More pictures please! x

  2. I don't even like coffee! I'd make a rubbish American. ;) Love your cute scarf and chunky knit combo.

    Tara x

  3. Thanks Tara, I never thought I liked coffee, but the tea over here is awful so I've been drinking coffee instead...turns out I do like it!

  4. AWWWWWWWWWWWW I miss that beautiful weather!!!! Enjoy your frappuchino, and think of me trying to keep warm in -10!!


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