


Christine is the girl behind fashion blog Belle of The Burgh, she's a Pittsburgh native, who over the last few years, has witnessed the citys transformation into (what is now widely considered) one of the most livable cities in the USA.  She’s proud of her home and during our interview she shares what she thinks makes Pittsburgh a great city to live in and what she thinks about the city’s style.

Tell me a little about you, your blog and what inspired you to start it.

I’m a brand new post-grad figuring out how to navigate on my own! I enjoy all things social media, dancing my way through a work-out class and you can usually find me bobbing my head at a concert. Belle of the Burgh started out as a Pittsburgh events blog, but has expanded over the course of the year as I became interested in taking it other places such as fashion! I started my blog after being a fan of blogs for quite some time.  I just REALLY love pittsburgh! I’m always looking for fun or unique things to do and I want to share the love with others!

How long have you been in Pittsburgh and what do you think makes it a great city to live in?

I’m a Pittsburgh girl born and raised! I lived in my neighborhood for 18 years until I moved a whole 7 minutes away to Point Park University for school. Pittsburgh has expanded so much in the past couple of years. The start-ups, food, culture, entertainment and the pride in the community is burning brighter than ever before. People across the country are finally recognizing what we knew all along, Pittsburgh is set for something great!

What do you think about Pittsburgh’s style and how would you describe it?

I think Pittsburgh style, similar to the rest of the city, is growing with the atmosphere. We’re getting there but we could do better. I love going to events such as the Arts Festival and honestly just people watching because there are so many unique looks.

How about your own style? How would you describe it and why does it works for you?

I think that I’m gonna take a stab and call myself ‘edgy-thirty-girly. One day I like to wear all black with a grungy top-knot on head to a concert, but the next day I’ll wear a floral two piece with a bright statement necklace to an event. I’m a big fan of themes and when getting dressed I decide on my “theme” of that day and go all out!

What or who inspires your style?

I wouldn’t say I have one influence, but I find a lot of ideas from other bloggers I follow before I started mine, Youtubers, Instagramers and people I see everyday! Sometimes I find myself staring in public at someone, but I’m really just trying to take a mental note of their outfit and how I can change it to make it my own! 

Where are your go to places when you’re shopping for clothes? Do you tend to shop in malls or are there a selection of local boutiques that you head to again and again?

I’m a recent grad so I have to be smart about how I’m spending money on clothes. I’ll purchase a couple more expensive key items then pair them with things I found for $10 on a clearance rack. I’m staying further and further away from the mall these days and finding more things online. I also love to spend a Saturday thrifting! . Sometimes I’ll take a instagram #ootd and realize everything I have on was thrifted unintentionally! 

What’s your most treasured item in your closet?

My most treasured item are my converse sneakers! I bought my first pair when I started going to concerts in 9th grade and I JUST threw them out last year. They are my go-to shoe because they are comfortable and look even better when a little beat-up. I wear them with shorts, skirts, dresses, pants, etc. I couldn't imagine getting dressed without a pair!


If you’d like to check out the other stylish Pittsburghers I’ve interviewed, and find out more about #stylishpittsburgh campaign then head over here!

I’m on the lookout for stylish guys to interview, so if you know of anyone then comment below, or ping me a message!


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