

Kimberly is the girl behind the fashion blog Yes, Wear That!, a creative space where Kim is free to share her wonderfully oh-so-chic style while fulfilling her passion for writing.  We met through another blogger and mutual friend, Tori, and I knew right away that I would have to interview this girl for #stylishpittsburgh…not only does she have great style, but her passion for blogging is infectious and I was dying to find out more!

In our interview, she talks mobile boutiques, what inspires her to blog, and the sense of community and warmth she feels in the city.  She also talks about her regular blog feature that takes her all over the city, interviewing local boutiques and small event-related businesses in an effort to highlight and showcase the best of Pittsburgh.

She is, in her own words, “all about collaboration and helping one another out” and not only is this evident as you read through our interview, but the interview itself is a collaboration!  So when you’ve finished reading my interview with Kim, head on over to Yes Wear That! to read an interview that Kim did with me!

And in true Kim style, the collaborating doesn't stop here.  On Wednesday, Kim, Tori, and Ashley and I are launching our first ever fashion bloggers meet up in Pittsburgh!  How lucky am I to working with these talented ladies!!

First, tell me a little bit about yourself and what inspired you to start your blog, Yes Wear That!

I’ve always loved fashion and writing – so a blog seemed like the perfect way to combine the two!  I thought about starting a blog for awhile, but those little voices of self-doubt would creep in…who’s going to want to read what I have to say?!  Finally, I decided to ignore those pesky voices and go for it!  I’ve found that it’s a great creative outlet and I’ve been able to meet some really great people over the past few months.  I also work in the events industry, so the blog is a great way for me to showcase some of my work and offer tips and tricks to anyone planning a wedding or social event.

How long have you been in Pittsburgh and what do you think makes it a great city to live in?

I grew up in Apollo (a very small town about 45 minutes outside of the city).  I got an official Pittsburgh address after college and have been here ever since.  I hear Pittsburgh get referred to a lot as having a “small town” feel and I think that’s true in a lot of ways.  People are friendly, giving, and don’t take themselves too seriously.  It’s very much a “work hard, play hard” attitude.  Pittsburgh is finally getting recognized on a national level, so that’s exciting to watch.  There are so many great restaurants and breweries popping up and more wonderful boutiques opening – Yay!  It’s definitely a great time to be a Pittsburgher.  In starting Yes, Wear That!, I have already met so many other bloggers and everyone has been so welcoming.  I think that sense of community and collaboration would be harder to find in the bigger cities.

How would you describe Pittsburgh’s style and what would you say the critics out there who claim it has none!?

I know there are still people out there that think Pittsburgh fashion consists of a Steelers jersey, a gold chain, and some denim shorts.  I get it. But it’s not true….well at least not for everyone.  Just like everything else in the city that is evolving and flourishing, fashion is doing the same thing.  We may not be recognized on a national level yet for fashion, but I think we will get there.  There are wonderful boutiques scattered throughout Lawrenceville, Shadyside, and Sewickley…just to name a few.  This past week was Style Week Pittsburgh and I got to meet young entrepreneurs that are taking the food truck idea and applying that to fashion – so we have mobile boutiques!  I think events such as Style Week and Pittsburgh Fashion Week will also continue to bring fashion to the forefront in the city.  Again, Pittsburghers don’t take themselves to seriously, so it’s the perfect place to try out a new fashion trend or start your own!

How would you describe your own style and where do you find the inspiration for your outfits?

That’s a tough question…especially since how I would like to dress everyday is not how I actually end up dressing.  When my alarm goes off in the morning, I usually choose 10 more minutes of sleep over putting together the perfect outfit!  I like to follow trends and incorporate some pieces into my wardrobe, but I don’t go overboard.  I’ve found that investing in some quality staple pieces makes much more sense in the long run.  I think after awhile you just know what works for you and what doesn’t.  I will see items on the hanger that I think are absolutely gorgeous, but I know the style won’t work for me.  I love black and neutrals, but realized my closet was starting to look like a rain cloud, so I made a real effort to incorporate some color this past summer!  As far as inspiration, I think it truly comes from everywhere.  Working on the blog now, I get a lot of inspiration from other bloggers.  I also think magazines, movies, and people watching gives me new outfit ideas.

We have a great mix of independent boutiques and big brands here in Pittsburgh, and I definitely have my favorite places to shop.  Where do you like to head when you’re shopping for clothes?  Do you have any favorite boutiques that you’ll head to again and again?

We definitely are getting more and more great boutiques and larger brands in Pittsburgh, which is great.  I’ll be honest – I shop online A LOT.  I am really short, so many times I have to head online to order the “short length” in items that aren’t carried in the stores.  It’s also just so convenient to shop in sweats with a glass of wine in your hand!  I used to work at Nordstrom, so that’s still one of my favorite places.  I will be visiting No. 14 in Lawrenceville soon, so I am really excited to shop their merchandise as well.

What’s your most treasured item in your closet?

I’m not sure that I have a most treasured item.  I think the items that I treasure are those basics that I go to again and again.  For instance, I just bought a pair of jeans and love the way they fit, so I am so happy every morning when I can just grab those and be ready to go!  Although, I am starting to get worried that my co-workers are going to notice these jeans on repeat – lol.  I also treasure those items that make me feel good and that instantly give me that boost of confidence.  I really believe that putting on the perfect dress or pair of shoes can turn your mood and your day around.

And finally, you’ve started a series on your blog, featuring and interviewing local boutiques and small event-related businesses in Pittsburgh.  Tell us a little more about the inspiration behind this…and who you have lined up next!
Absolutely!  This has been one of my favorite parts of the blog so far.  When I started Yes, Wear That!, I knew I wanted to use it as a way to reach out to other creative individuals and to promote small businesses in Pittsburgh.  At first I was a bit intimidated to reach out to people, but the response has been overwhelming positive!  Again, I think it’s a testament to the type of people that live here…most people are welcoming and more than happy to promote one another and foster that sense of community.  So far I have mainly profiled small businesses in the events industry, so I am definitely focusing on lining up a couple boutiques to feature.  I’m really excited to be collaborating with the creator of Burgh Brides – so look for her interview coming soon!  I also just met with the owner of a new small business based in Wexford that creates and sells entirely all-natural skin and haircare products.  There are definitely a bunch of people I want to profile, so the sky’s the limit!


If you’d like to check out the other stylish Pittsburghers I’ve interviewed, and find out more about #stylishpittsburgh campaign then head over here!

And if you're a local boutique or style-obsessed Pittsburhger and would like to be featured, or maybe you know someone who you think deserves to be featured?  Get in touch!!

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