

Stylish Pittsburgh had its fourth Style Social fashion blogger event on Tuesday and it was a huge success!  It was hosted by the Frick Museum in Point Breeze, where our guests had a private viewing of their hotly anticipated new exhibition Killer Heels.

The beautiful outdoor terrace was the perfect location for our event and was a sea of beautiful dresses and killer heels as guests spent the evening sipping on wine, catching up with old friends and making new ones.

Terra,, Meg, Zoe, Lauren, Ashley, Nicky 

Madison, Victoria, Gina, Tracy

Jessa, Leslie, Kim

Tori, Geena

Ashley, Tori

The patio was buzzing with talk of fashion, blogging, collaborations and a mutual admiration of Pittsburgh.  We couldn’t have wished for a better night and are were over the moon to see such great turnout!

Our partners for this event outdid themselves, we had beautiful flower arrangements by Stems by Sid, the Art Institute of Pittsburgh brought shoe shaped cookies for our guests to decorate, Sarah Collins was our fantastic photographer and responsible for all the photos in this post (FYI if you’re a fashion blogger in Pittsburgh and are looking for a photographer, Sarah’s your girl!) and our swag bags were stuffed with goodies thanks to Foot Petals, Essence Cosmetics, Catrice Cosmetics, Cutex and The Frick.  And thanks to the generosity of Bronze Coconut Tanning, The Commoner, Emy Mack and Pure Barre we were able to offer not one, but TWO prizes for our Instagram contest!

Flowers - Stems by Syd

Cookies by The Art Institute of Pittsburgh

I think my favorite part of our event was this brilliant shoe photo-booth that Tori made, it was the perfect place to showcase our killer heels!

Our events are only going to get bigger and better, we’ve been discussing where we want to take Stylish Pittsburgh and the Style Socials and all agree that it has a ton of potential so stay tuned for more announcements!

In the meantime, if you’re a local fashion blogger then make sure you’re a member of our private Style Social Facebook group and follow us on Instagram as @stylishpittsburgh


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