


There have some big changes in my life lately, with the move from Pittsburgh being one of the biggest. It hurled me into turmoil while I adjusted to the idea of leaving behind everything I’d worked so hard to achieve in Pittsburgh, as well as saying goodbye to my friends and my tribe where I'd found so much support, inspiration and friendship.   A couple of months on and we’re now, finally, starting to feel at home in Columbia, in South Carolina.  It's a very pretty State with fantastic weather and our work life balance is the best it's been in years, but the more we move around the world, the harder it's becoming for me to have a traditional career and business dependent upon a fixed location.

This isn't a shock, I've been aware of this for a while now and have actually already been developing my business to work from wherever I may be – my accessories can be designed anywhere and I offer online styling as well as in-person styling – but the time has come for me to do this more purposefully. I need to increase my focus attention online.

Style Studs and Lace has served me well over the last five years, it’s enabled me to continue to work with clients overseas, has helped me grow my client base both in the USA and the UK.  It played a huge part in making Pittsburgh feel like home and it's helped me to stay connected to friends and family back home.

So why am I telling you this?  Well, I’ve become even more passionate about blogging over the past few weeks and have been doing a lot of thinking about what I want to write about, how I can make the blog better, and in what direction I want to take it.

This is where you come in, I want to continue to blog - scrap that - I want to grow my blog, but I don't want to write the things I think you want to read, I want to write about the topics I KNOW you want to read.  I want to make Style Studs and Lace  relevant to you and your needs, and I want to ensure you enjoy reading it and continue to come back week after week!

I touched very briefly on this a couple of weeks ago, but I’ve decided I need to do this properly so have composed a questionnaire for you to answer (see below!).

I realize you all lead such busy lives but it would mean so very much to me if you would take a few minutes out of your day to answer some of my questions.  Even if you only have the time to answer one or two, it would be a great help.


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