
Horn OK Please

If you're a regular reader you'll know I’ve started to document my favourite patterns in India, on Instagram. My absolute favourite source of pattern inspiration is the unique hand painted trucks that light up the roads here.

Each truck is unique, some depict their owners life back at home while others are adorned in the most spectacular patterns and garlands.  Truckers are on the road for such long periods of time that their trucks become their home, some owners even describe how they begin to treat them like their wives…I’ll often see trucks adorned in jewellery and patterns emulating the beautiful saris and jewels their wives would be wearing back at home.   They’re moving works of art, each with their own story to tell.   They’re beautiful.

Photo taken by my Dad
If you're as fascinated with these beautiful trucks as I am then check out artist Shantanu Sumans documentary film about the truck art of India as well as some of his other projects; Truckopoly and Use Rubber At Night

Check out the trailer below...



  1. Wow!! This is such a beautiful work. I call this art on wheels.


  2. love, love, love it.....want one......and went a small journey in one while there....but love it Niki x

  3. They're awesome arent't they!!I Think a ride in one might be a tad scary tho! :)

  4. I know...I'd love to watch the guys painting them. Art on Wheels - perfect :)

  5. This is a fascinating post, thank you :) Culture and personal style - what a great blog!

  6. this post is amazing, if I'll be a designer these patterns would inspire me !

    Your new follower,


    Facebook Page Bonjourchiara

  7. Thanks! I'm chuffed to bits you like it :) x

  8. Love this artwork - it reminds me of the rose & castle style of painting found on narrowboats :)

  9. Yes, you're right!! It;s a shame that we don't really see it very much any more

  10. Thanks Bonjourchiara! It's awesome to have a new follower :)


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