

Temperatures dropped to an eye watering -15 Degrees C (5F) last weekend. Yes it’s beyond cold, but I don’t mind! It looks beautiful here and our weekends are filled with fun in the snow!

I'm pretty much sorted with what to wear in the day when it's this cold, it’s the evenings out that I’ve been struggling with. I can’t bare the idea of leaving the house wearing something flimsy and dressy, so I’ve been forced to think of ways to dress up my warmer layers so I look and feel like I’ve made a bit of an effort.

One of the pieces that has been pretty useful for this it my check shirt, so I thought that this week I'd show you how I've been dressing it up and down in the cold.

Layered under a black shift dress it’s a little more interesting than a plain white shirt and still polished enough for the office.  An added bonus is that I can still fit a long sleeve t-shirt underneath it if I need and extra layer of warmth.

This is my staple day to day look at the moment, plus this GIANT scarf.

As I mentioned, I’ve been trying to find ways to dress up my warmer layers for a night out.  I’d normally wear this outfit with a pair of sneakers and a chunky knit layered on top, but to make it a little dressier I added a pair of heels and hid a long sleeve top underneath the shirt for warmth, instead of wearing a sweater.  I’m also wearing a pair of huge studded earrings…but you can’t see them thanks to the wind! I know it’s not super dressy, but I think it works.  

Style Studded : Hong Kong

1 item, 3 ways // Sleevless Knitwear

I’d love to hear any tips you might have on dressing up in subfreezing temperatures!



  1. I have no idea. Haha! I've seen (very young) women here in bare legs and sandals in the snow and subzero temps but even though I run pretty warm-blooded I'm not that crazy! I'm OK with baring an ankle at 30F+ so that's usually how I signify that I'm "dressed up". :) Anything colder than that and it's fleece-lined tights under layers and layers.

  2. I've seen the same here too! Bare legs and platforms when there's 5 inches of snow out there!! Fleece lined tights are amazing, I'm living in those at the moment :) Not sure I could handle a bare ankle, just the thought of it makes me shiver...I'm such a wimp

  3. I'm jealous of the white stuff but not the freezing cold haha! That third outfit is really cute, you wouldn't realise you were dressing to be warm! Such a nice combo.

    Tara x

  4. Thanks! Yeah, the snow makes the cold more bearable, if it wasn't snowing I'd be pretty miserable!


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